Whole Grain Pasta: A new Solution to Lose Weight
Pastas are famous for many reasons and that is why it is one of the most popular dishes around the globe. Manufacturers constantly innovate and bring a new variety of pasta every now and then. A healthy addition to this list of varieties is the whole grain pasta. Although it isn’t particularly a low-calorie food but it can be a part of your weight-loss diet.
Whole grain pasta or wheat pasta are great supplements of insoluble fiber, carbohydrates and other nutrients. Due to its rich fiber content, it takes some time to be digested by the body and thus keeps you feeling satisfied for a longer time in comparison to refined grain pasta.
There are some pasta companies in India that are focused on producing good quality whole grain pasta in order to provide a healthy alternative for pasta lovers. Whole grain pasta serves as a great aid for your weight loss endeavor and is a great option for promoting healthy digestive functions. It also helps balance good and bad cholesterol levels. These qualities of whole grain pasta reduce the risk of developing type two diabetes, heart diseases and certain cancers.
One of the best wheat pasta manufacturers in India is Gustora. They have introduced some great products to help you remain fit. Here are some effective tips for including whole wheat pasta as a component of your weight loss diet plan:
1. Use low calorie sauces: Prefer using lightly sautéed grape tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and fresh basil. Consider tomato based sauces that are low in calories instead of butter and cream based sauces.
2. Include more vegetables: If you are on a diet then you definitely want to try avoid eating too much and want to remain full at the same time. The fiber in whole grain pasta helps in this context. For a wholesome meal you can always add more vegetables that minimize the calories in your meal. You can add steamed or lightly sauteed mushrooms, broccoli, zucchini to the pasta. The more varieties you add the tastier and healthier your meal is.
3. Use portion control to limit caloric intake: Make sure you do not eat too much because the whole grain pasta fills your stomach much faster than the refined grain pasta, keeping you satisfied for long. Eating small portions will help you keep the calories in count.
Unlike the popular belief that pasta is unhealthy, turn things around and include pasta in your diet plan to lose weight. Supply your body with more energy that will satiate your hunger with a tasty dish of pasta.